
Colorado River

In May of our Freshman year Moe, Curly and I took off with a group Tom(Moe's Dad) was part of. We went camping and canoed down the river. Well some of us canoed others sat in the middle of the canoe and pretended to do some paddling. ;) I wish I had done more of this type of stuff. Who knows, maybe there is still time.


Sher said...

Canoeing (or just riding) can be really fun. I went on a "float trip" with my aunt and uncle a few years back. We drove to the upper Merimac river (in Missouri), camped out, and floated/canoed along the river. We found a really cool cave that we got to explore, too.

It's never too late to do it again!

Cyn said...

It is never to late I suppose. Just takes a lot more planning to get everyone in the same state these days.

Anonymous said...

heh-heh... ;0)

Cyn said...

says the woman who didn't paddle