

So I started my "Couch to 5K" workout plan yesterday. OY. I am not really sore but during the workout it was tough. I have not been in shape for oh about 7 years. When I couldn't play softball anymore I sort of took a defeatist attitude and never really thought about the fact that if I wanted to keep my body the way it was that I would need to continue working out in some capacity. Anyways. Yesterday I did a 5 min. warm-up walk followed by a 60 sec. run then 90 sec. walk for 21 minutes. To finish I had a 4 min. cool down walk. It was so dang hot that immediately after I decided to go for a swim. I did some laps and just enjoyed the cool water. When I got out I realized that I had been in there for an HOUR. Oh well, swimming isn't like a work out to me, it is a reward. So yeah that was day one. Go me! I am hoping in a few weeks I will look back at how pathetic I was on day one and see that I am making progress.

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